Thursday, September 3, 2009

OAHU Day 9 - Road tripping to Diamond Head and back

This afternoon I took my scooter with the surfboard rack mount and drove from Kailua towards the South. Saw so many beautiful places, the road and the views are crazy. After a looong time and many surf breaks, I hit Diamond Head. On the road I also stopped at the windsurfing secret spot, the one that Cammar refers to as DA SPOT. Ahah. So easy to find. And a lot of windsurfers were there, slogging in the gusty off-shore winds. But the waves on the reef were worth it.

I drove past Diamond Head because the waves weren't that clean beacuse of the wind, and went all the way to Waikiki Beach, at a spot called PUBLICS.

By the time I got there the sun was setting, but I still had time to take out my goPRO camera. You'll see tomorrow the results!

The trip back in the dark with the board was an adventure in the adventure itself!

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