Monday, January 7, 2008

On the way to BONAIRE!

No updates in a while.
I'm on my way to Bonaire!! I'll be there all semester for studying. Right now in Amsterdam waiting for the flight tomorrow!

We'll see how this goes!


Anonymous said...

what do you mean how it goes? your so lucky Dude. we are stuck in boston... at least it is warm last few days. they are calling for wind on wednesday. will try to sail but who knows if it will happen.


PeconicPuffin said...

Fantastic! Freestyle heaven. Have a great time studying. On light wind days keep an eye out for Caesar!

Mike Burns said...

See you next month. Good luck trying to study.


Davide Giardini said...

ahahah sergey...i bet you're doin some voodoo magic on me cause i havent gone in the water yet! plus i found out my school is across the island...

caesar, yeah...crazy. but i hate lightwind

mike...yeah its gonna be tough!