Tuesday, March 11, 2008

No wind on Bonaire

Photo by Martin

It has been a bad week in paradise this past week!! Really light winds, super shallow water, and lots of people! On my side, I had lots of school work so I don't mind too much these bad conditions...

Michele Maldini, an Italian surfing & windsurfing videomaker/photographer based on Maui, is now on Bonaire to film for an upcoming movie shot between Maui, Bonaire, and Gran Canaria. Because of the lack of good conditions, so far they have only been going around doing interviews with Tonky and Kiri, and filming some sail flipping stuff by the Bonaire young kids. I think he'll be here a month or so...

This week and the 2 weeks after, Jibe City will be be busy with Andy Brandt's ABK Clinics. It's fun when I see people I sail with on Cape Cod coming down to Bonaire to attend these clinics! Check out the schedule for the clinics here!

This weekend there is also scheduled a Bonaire Wave Challenge, or something like that. I've never been in the waves here, but hopefully there will be some wind to run the event!


S-1988 said...
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S-1988 said...

Whatsuuuup mafia man!
I just got home to Sweden, and it's fucking cold dude.
Keep on rippin it up on Boniare!



Send me a mail to: erikhakman@gmail.com


sipio said...

Hey Davide,

got some nice video footage of your Grubby 540ies and Punetas a frew days ago during my stay in Bonaire. Interested in it?

Let me know!


Anonymous said...

Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If ossible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the Aparelho de DVD, I hope you enjoy. The address is http://aparelho-dvd.blogspot.com. A hug.

Anonymous said...

Dude, answer my mail man!

