Sunday, August 30, 2009

OAHU Day 4 - Saturday @ Kailua Beach

Yesterday woke up and the breeze was strong so I loaded myself and all my kite gear on the shitty bike and rode to Kailua Beach. It was good for the 9m and a surfboard Antoine, my roommate, lent me. In the afternoon, while I was chatting with a fellow friendly kiter on the beach while holding my kite, I got distracted and it got caught on a branch of one of the numerous trees that are lined up behind the beach. It got stuck in there big time, and there was no other way then to detach the lines from the bar...and climb up the tree! It was way up there, like 10 meters, but after a while I managed to get the kite out in one peace.. What an experience, never again! Lesson learnt: no chatting while kiting! They told me people crash their kites on the trees all the time here...but still...

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